Terms and Conditions

The NAATSIHWP website is solely for the purpose of providing information to users about NAATSIHWP, its members and stakeholders. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our terms and conditions as well as Privacy Policy.

Click on the links below to read our Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. If you disagree with any part of the documents, please do not use our website.

Terms & Conditions

Privacy Policy


The NAATSIHWP site includes the facility to accept donations, to grow and strengthen the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker and Health Practitioner workforce across Australia.

Click on the links below to read our portal instructions and refund procedure.

Portal Instructions

Refund Procedure


All information on this site is provided for the purposes of reference and is derived from sources believed to be accurate and correct and is subject to changes without notice.

NAATSIHWP accepts no responsibility for the content on external websites. The links are provided for the users convenience only and NAATSIHWP does not provide any warranty or liability for the accuracy, source or any other aspects of those websites.


This site is Copyright @ National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners. The contents of www.naatsihwp.org.au may not be reprinted, reproduced or published in any form whatsoever without permission of NAATSIHWP. Information may only be cited only with prior written permission and proper attribution.

Please direct enquiries to email address to info@naatsihwp.org.au

The NAATSIHWP website is solely for the purpose of providing information to users about NAATSIHWP, its members and stakeholders. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our terms and conditions as well as Privacy Policy.

Click on the links below to read our Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. If you disagree with any part of the documents, please do not use our website.

Terms & Conditions

Privacy Policy


The NAATSIHWP site includes the facility to accept donations, to grow and strengthen the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker and Health Practitioner workforce across Australia.

Click on the links below to read our portal instructions and refund procedure.

Portal Instructions

Refund Procedure


All information on this site is provided for the purposes of reference and is derived from sources believed to be accurate and correct and is subject to changes without notice.

NAATSIHWP accepts no responsibility for the content on external websites. The links are provided for the users convenience only and NAATSIHWP does not provide any warranty or liability for the accuracy, source or any other aspects of those websites.


This site is Copyright @ National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners. The contents of www.naatsihwp.org.au may not be reprinted, reproduced or published in any form whatsoever without permission of NAATSIHWP. Information may only be cited only with prior written permission and proper attribution.

Please direct enquiries to email address to info@naatsihwp.org.au